Monday, November 24, 2008

The end?

Reflecting on the 23 things, I can see a lot of uses for many of the neat tools we've been playing with. I do struggle with the balance of adding some communication tools, providing one more thing for staff to need to check...and am proceding with caution in light of our workforce planning taskforce's discovery of just how much time we spend each day in electronic communication.

That said, there are tools that do build efficiencies in here...and particularly for work groups who aren't working close together on a daily basis (particularly homework help center coordinators).

I do think that the 23 things has helped all of us learn better how to share the uses of Web 2.0 tools with our customers, who very much want to learn how to use them. In this respect, this has been an invaluable experience for all of us...and it certainly was fun!

I know I will keep up with twitter and facebook on my own...and librarything has been a very useful professional tool. I have appreciated the opportunity to learn & play!

1 comment:

air2jsc said...

I was noodling young widows blogs this morning and came across yours. I lost my husband only 3 weeks ago. He left me and our 5 and 8 year old behind. I'm from Brunswick, Ohio and only 39 years old. I never thought i'd be a widow at a young age. I haven't read much of your blogs and admit my ignorance about such things (I barely keep up with Facebook)..and well, I really have nobody in my orbit who dealt with such a loss at a young age. And as I look down I see I am using my husbands g mail account to access the internet. Strange...I'm grateful there are others out there who know exactly where I am right now.