Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wikis and Libraries

This is the week I've been waiting for! The difference between wikis and blogs is something I've been struggling with. In my role as project lead on homework help centers, I've been struggling with finding a good form of communication that aleviates the inneficiencies of email. I know that it's either going to be a blog or a wiki...or both! Thanks to a tweet typeAlibrarian I think I need a wiki for more organized information sharing, what to do when, etc. and a blog for less formal communication between HHCCs.

I'm still struggling with this and would appreiciate feedback from anyone with more experience than me in this!

1 comment:

**5p34k1nt0ngu3z** said...

I'd set up the blog first to present a few topics of discussion of how the wiki should be presented. While this is taking place you can play around with the wiki format to get a better feel of the implementation stage.

Then, based on the responses you get on the blog, set up the wiki for more formal information that can pertain to all of the Homework Help Centers.

Maybe even set up a second blog linked to the wiki, so users can comment on their experience with the HHCs and submit suggestions.

Just my .02 worth.